When your SQL instance was last restarted?
I understand it is very simple script but we often forget simple scripts. Hence I thought to write this simple script and also we can use GUI to find the same. Both the ways I have described below. Using GUI it is very easy and simple and additionally you will get some more information such as SQL edition, collation, number of databases including system.
-- ============================ -- -- Owner: SOYELUDDIN BISWAS -- -- Created Date: 29/09/2019 -- -- Email: -- -- ============================ -- use master go select SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') as Server ,sqlserver_start_time as [SQL instance last restarted date and time] from sys.dm_os_sys_info
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Using GUI:
Step 1. Connect to SQL instance using SSMS.
Step 2. Right click on SQL instance –> Select Reports –> Standard Reports –> then click on Server Dashboard
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