In this blog post, we will dive into the world of active sessions and requests in SQL Server. We will learn how to extract valuable information about these sessions using a T-SQL query. Don’t worry if you’re new to SQL Server.
Understanding Active Sessions
When users interact with a SQL Server database, they establish sessions. These sessions represent the connection between the user and the database server. Within each session, users can send requests to the server, such as executing queries or performing updates.
The SQL Query to find Active Sessions
Let’s take a look at the T-SQL query we will be discussing:
ss.session_id AS SPID, -- Session ID
original_login_name, -- Original login name
sp.status, -- Status
blocking_session_id AS [Blk by], -- Blocking session ID
command, -- Command
db_name(sp.database_id) AS [Database], -- Database name
[objectid], -- Object ID
percent_complete AS [% Done], -- Percentage of completion
WHEN DATEDIFF(mi, start_time, GETDATE()) > 60 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4), (DATEDIFF(mi, start_time, GETDATE()) / 60)) + ' hr ' -- Duration: hours
WHEN DATEDIFF(ss, start_time, GETDATE()) > 60 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4), (DATEDIFF(mi, start_time, GETDATE()) % 60)) + ' min ' -- Duration: minutes
CONVERT(varchar(4), (DATEDIFF(ss, start_time, GETDATE()) % 60)) + ' sec' AS [Duration], -- Duration: seconds
estimated_completion_time / 60000 AS [ETA (Min)], -- Estimated time of completion in minutes
[text] AS [input stream/text], -- Input stream or text
SUBSTRING([text], statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,
WHEN statement_end_offset < 0 THEN (LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max), [text])) * 2) -- Executing SQL statement
ELSE statement_end_offset
END) - statement_start_offset) / 2 + 1) AS [Executing_sql_statement],
wait_resource, -- Wait resource
wait_time / 1000 AS [wait_time (sec)], -- Wait time in seconds
last_wait_type, -- Last wait type
login_time, -- Login time
last_request_start_time, -- Last request start time
last_request_end_time, -- Last request end time
host_name, -- Host name
WHEN program_name LIKE 'SQLAgent%Job%' THEN (
SELECT TOP 1 '(SQLAgent Job - ' + name + ' - ' + RIGHT(program_name, LEN(program_name) - CHARINDEX(':', program_name)) -- Program name: SQL Agent job
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs SJ
WHERE UPPER(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(SJ.job_id)) = UPPER(SUBSTRING([program_name], 30, 34))
ELSE program_name
END AS [program_name], -- Program name
sp.open_transaction_count, -- Open transaction count
CASE sp.transaction_isolation_level
WHEN 0 THEN 'Unspecified' -- Transaction isolation level: Unspecified
WHEN 1 THEN 'ReadUncomitted' -- Transaction isolation level: Read Uncommitted
WHEN 2 THEN 'ReadCommitted' -- Transaction isolation level: Read Committed
WHEN 3 THEN 'Repeatable' -- Transaction isolation level: Repeatable
WHEN 4 THEN 'Serializable' -- Transaction isolation level: Serializable
WHEN 5 THEN 'Snapshot' -- Transaction isolation level: Snapshot
END AS [transaction_isolation_level],
sp.cpu_time, -- CPU time
sp.reads, -- Reads
sp.writes, -- Writes
sp.logical_reads, -- Logical reads
sp.lock_timeout, -- Lock timeout
sp.row_count -- Row count
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS sp
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sp.sql_handle) AS esql
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ss ON ss.session_id = sp.session_id
WHERE ss.status <> 'sleeping';
Understanding and monitoring active sessions and requests in SQL Server is crucial for database administrators and developers. By using the provided T-SQL query, we can gather valuable insights into ongoing activities, performance metrics, and potential issues within the server.
More post on Active Sessions in SQL Server